Frequently asked questions

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Codesphere makes it easier to create, test, improve and operate cloud software at scale.

With Codesphere it is easy to maintain an effective development environment, spin up fast preview deployments for each pull request and run entire production landscapes with minimal configuration.

We combine an online code editor with integrated pipelines that deploy your code to various stages in seconds. This can save you months of DevOps work and will be a lot easier to maintain.
Your developers are going to love the reduced context switching during reviews, you will have less bugs because the code is tested in production-like environments and the effort of managing your infrastructure will be greatly reduced. Your developers will be able to handle all this themselves, reducing your dependency on expensive DevOps specialists.

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Codesphere handles infrastructure management for you. With Codesphere, you get both deployment and cloud infrastructure directly into your development environment. With Codesphere, you’ll have more time to focus on development.
Codesphere’s comprehensive platform also provides a feature-rich online code editor in which you can build, test, and run your apps – all within a single tab of your browser.

Yes, we offer a free plan that includes 3 free workspaces for you to use. You can just sign up and start coding.

Without a cloud-based IDE, the end result of codebase collaboration tends to produce different outcomes on different machines. Even more compatibility issues might arise while collaborating from different development and production environments.
Developing in Codesphere’s Web IDE enables an entire development team to code with the same configuration from which the code will be deployed – meaning no compatibility issues!
Another benefit – when your codebase is in Codesphere, you can easily leverage Codesphere’s wide variety of automatic deployment, scaling, testing, and security services.

Codesphere is both extremely scalable and powerful – much more so than less comprehensive in-browser Web IDE’s, such as CodeSandbox and CodeAnywhere.
Codesphere is built for professional development teams who build scalable web applications. Codesphere’s full-stack microservice architecture provides high-availability and advanced security features that are supported by an entire datacenter of computational power.

Codesphere is a cloud provider, but we provide a much more efficient and holistic experience. With Codesphere you can get a comprehensive development experience and seamless cloud integration – without any cumbersome integration procedures.
Write, test, and deploy your code with a single click.

Contact us at Our Support Team is ready to respond throughout the day in order to ensure you have a great Codesphere experience.

At Codesphere we adhere to strict security and data privacy best practices to keep your data safe. Our security specialists work around the clock to ensure the system’s security and data protection standards.
For more information, you may refer to our Terms of Service.

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